General terms and conditions of sale

Sales name: Enigmatic Live Escape Game

Article 1 - Purpose

1.1 Enigmatic Live Escape Game is a concept that belongs to the company ENIGAME MLV.
The present general terms and conditions are applicable to any contract for the provision of a game room concluded between, on the one hand, any company of the ENIGAME MLV, hereinafter referred to as ENIGAME MLV, and, on the other hand, the users of the room, hereinafter referred to as THE CUSTOMER, whether they have made a reservation personally or whether they are part of the team of the person who has made the reservation, hereinafter referred to as THE RESERVATOR.
The game room is called THE ROOM and the contract of provision including these general conditions is called THE CONTRACT.
The RESERVATOR acknowledges and accepts full responsibility for the acts of any third party having access to the ROOM in the context of his reservation, it being understood that these third parties will be deemed to be the CLIENT.

1.2 ENIGAME MLV has the right to modify or cause to be modified the terms and conditions below, including the contents of its website at any time, at its sole discretion and without prior notice.

1.3 The general terms and conditions of sale of ENIGAME MLV are available on its website or on request at the reception desk of our rooms.

Article 2 - Occupation and use

2.1 ENIGAME MLV grants CLIENTS the right to occupy the ROOM for a maximum of 60 minutes and to benefit from the reception area and sanitary facilities before and after a game session.

2.2 The sole purpose of occupying the ROOM is to participate in a game organized by ENIGAME MLV.

2.3 To be admitted to the ROOM, the CLIENT must confirm the name of the RESERVATOR and present the reservation confirmation e-mail.

2.4 The CLIENT must be at least 9 years old. He must be accompanied by an adult player in the room up to 15 years old. From 15 years old, the player must present a handwritten authorization on plain paper, signed by a legal representative.
Model: I, the undersigned [...], as father/mother/legal guardian (delete as appropriate), authorize [PLAYER'S NAME: ...], who shall be [...] years of age, to [PLAYER'S NAME: ...]. years old] on the day of the game, to participate in an escape game session at the premises of ENIGAME MLV, 4 avenue James de Rothschild 77164 Ferrières-en-Brie, on [DATE ... / ... / ...], at [TIME: ... h ...]. In the event of a problem of behavior or attitude, the staff of the company ENIGAME Paris (Live Escape Game) will not be held responsible under any pretext and reserves the right to terminate prematurely the part of the whole group. I certify that it will be possible to reach me at any time during the session at the [TELEPHONE NUMBER OF THE LEGAL RESPONSIBLE PERSON: ../../../../../../.... Signature of the legal representative].
ENIGAME MLV reserves the right to ask for identification to verify the age of the CLIENT.

2.5 The CUSTOMER will maintain the ROOM and its equipment in good condition and will use it in accordance with the following rules
to the authorized use and to the Agreement. The CLIENT already accepts that any intentional damage or damage caused by misuse of the equipment will be billed to him and that his Internet account will be blocked, prohibiting him from making any new reservation, until the invoice is paid.

2.6 The CUSTOMER agrees to comply with these contractual provisions, as well as with all local and national laws and regulations, and other instructions from the administrative authorities, as well as with the rules issued by insurers where applicable.

2.7 The CUSTOMER is required to use the ROOM in such a way as not to cause or risk causing any damage to other users, the environment, premises and equipment.

2.8 The CUSTOMER undertakes, for the duration of its presence on the premises of ENIGAME MLV to behave as a "good father of the family", to comply with the rules and to cooperate with the employees of ENIGAME MLV. ENIGAME MLV does not tolerate any kind of intimidation or harassment towards its employees. ENIGAME MLV reserves the right to take any measure to prohibit entry to its premises to any person whose behaviour is not calm, and in particular CUSTOMERS under the influence of alcohol or drugs, without this prohibition of access giving the right to any reimbursement or compensation.

2.9 The CLIENT may not bring any drink, food, chewing gum or animal into the ROOM.

2.10 The CLIENT accepts that ENIGAME MLV cannot be held responsible for damages created by the CLIENT or to the CLIENT or another CLIENT.

2.11 Due to the nature of the game no recordings can be taken inside the ROOM. This includes (but is not limited to) the use of cell phones, cameras and recording devices (video and/or audio). The use of such devices in the ROOM is not permitted.

2.12 ENIGAME MLV expects its CUSTOMERS to refrain from disclosing details of the Game directly or indirectly to the public. Any total or partial disclosure would violate the commercial interests of ENIGAME MLV.

2.13 ENIGAME MLV is entitled to modify the scenario of a game, the elements or sets without notice or information, and no claim can be made in the event of modification thereof.

2.14 ENIGAME MLV organizes a monthly challenge. CUSTOMERS participate by automatically reserving a place at the ENIGMATIC'S CHALLENGE of the current month. At the end of the month, the INDICE record and the CHRONO record (valid only for teams having requested or having received 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 indices at most during their session), are designated and receive a prize at the discretion of ENIGAME MLV. The value of the prize is not determined in advance and cannot be contested.
Winning teams will be notified by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address used at the time of booking and team photos will be published on Facebook, Twitter and on the website.

Article 3 - Duration

3.1 The CUSTOMER agrees that the game will last a maximum of 60 minutes, regardless of whether or not all the puzzles have been solved. Likewise, the CUSTOMER accepts that the game may end before the 60 minutes, if all the puzzles have been found, without this entitling the CUSTOMER to a price adjustment.

Article 4 - Confidentiality.

4.1 The CLIENT must not divulge information regarding the puzzles and mechanisms to people who have never come to play.

Article 5 - Website and security

5.1 The website hereafter the WEBSITE is owned and operated by ENIGAME MLV. ENIGAME MLV has the right to modify or have modified the terms and conditions below, including the contents of this WEBSITE at any time, at its sole discretion and without prior notice.

5.2 The General Conditions of Use of the WEBSITE apply to the use of the site by any visitor and must be read carefully before any use.

5.3 ENIGAME MLV strives to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information on its WEBSITE.

5.4 ENIGAME MLV will not be liable to any person for any direct or indirect, consequential or incidental damages, including (without limitation) loss of profits or revenues, loss of opportunity, costs of replacement goods or services, loss or damage to data or business interruption, arising out of any use of the WEBSITE.

5.5 The trademarks and logos displayed on the WEBSITE are the property of ENIGAME MLV. No one is authorized to use them without the written consent of ENIGAME MLV, any unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the property rights of ENIGAME MLV.

5.6 The video presented on the website is hosted on the YouTube website. It is the property of ENIGAME MLV. It cannot be broadcast or shared by being changed in context. The paratext and/or comments, in the margin of the video, must be approved by ENIGAME MLV, before any broadcast and/or sharing. In the event of a change of context, ENIGAME MLV reserves the right to have the link of the video and the associated paratext and/or comments removed or modified.

Article 6 - Reservation

6.1 The provision of a ROOM is subject to reservation and prior payment.

6.2 The reservation is recorded by the RESERVATOR on the ENIGAME MLV INTERNET SITE within the limit of available slots.

6.3 In exceptional circumstances, if the RESERVATOR is unable to make a reservation by Internet, the personnel of ENIGAME MLV may carry out the recording of the reservation on the Internet on behalf of the RESERVATOR. The RESERVATOR already accepts that this type of reservation does not involve any responsibility on the part of ENIGAME MLV or its personnel, the personnel of ENIGAME MLV acting only as data entry operator on the instructions of the RESERVATOR. The RESERVATOR hereby waives any recourse for misuse, breach of confidentiality of his data or fraudulent use of his account.

6.4 The WEBSITE is available in French or English. Nevertheless, in the event of a dispute, only the French version of the site and of the general conditions can be opposed to ENIGAME MLV.

6.5 Only persons 18 years of age or older can be RESERVED.

6.6 The recorded reservation cannot give place to any cancellation, modification or refunding.
outside the possibilities that would be given to do so on the WEBSITE.

6.7 A reservation is only registered and final when it is paid. An e-mail of reservation option is sent to the e-mail address indicated by the RESERVATOR when the RESERVATOR is not able to make a reservation by himself on the Internet and that he passes by the personnel of ENIGAME MLV to carry out his reservation. This email cannot be considered as a RESERVATION but only constitutes an option of RESERVATION as long as the RESERVATOR has not paid his RESERVATION; the personnel of ENIGAME MLV reserves the right to cancel any option of RESERVATION not paid.

6.8 A reservation is not transferable to another RESERVATOR; nevertheless, the reservation will be honoured and access to the room will be given to the CLIENTS if the RESERVATOR gives advance written notice of his absence and indicates the name of the person who will take his place on the day of the reservation, including for the payment of additional sums if necessary (change of group size, room, drinks, etc.) which will be paid on the spot.

6.9 Reservations cannot be transferred or resold for commercial purposes or as a gift or commercial promotion. If a reservation is transferred or resold in violation of this condition, the holder of the reservation or the person claiming the right to attend the event will be refused admission.

6.10 In the event that CLIENTS are late for a reserved session, the CLIENT will decide whether or not to start the game. In any case, the ROOM must be vacated at the time scheduled in the initial reservation. ENIGAME MLV reserves the right to refuse access to CLIENTS who arrive more than 30 minutes late. The CLIENT or the RESERVATOR will not be able to require total or partial refunding.

6.11 ENIGAME MLV reserves the right to modify the allocation of the ROOM in the event of unavailability of the reserved room and this without the CLIENT being able to take advantage of it to request any refund.

6.12 ENIGAME MLV reserves the right to cancel a reservation without having to give a reason. Cancellation by ENIGAME MLV alone will be the subject of a refund of the price of the reservation, to the exclusion of any other sum which could be claimed as a prejudice or otherwise.

6.13 ENIGAME MLV is not responsible for an administrative closure imposed by the State. In this case, no total or partial refunding could be required by the RESERVATOR or the CUSTOMER.

Article 7 - Price and payment

7.1 The price of a reservation is indicated on the WEBSITE under the heading reservation and displayed at the reception desk of the SALLES ENIGAME MLV, in euros including all taxes, for a period of 60 minutes of availability of the ROOM.

7.2 Any other service will give rise to additional billing.

7.3 The price is fixed according to the number of people in the same team (the maximum number depends on the game and is indicated on the WEBSITE) and the date and time.

7.4 ENIGAME MLV reserves the right to modify its rates at any time, the service being however invoiced at the rate in effect at the time of payment of the reservation.

7.5 Only payment by credit card is accepted on the WEBSITE. If the RESERVATOR is unable to pay by credit card, he must go to the reception desk to make a reservation and pay by cheque, credit card or in euros.

7.6 ENIGAME MLV has entrusted its payment system to a service provider specialized in the security of online payments and does not convert any data linked to the payment system in its databases.

7.7 Full payment is required at the time of booking.

7.8 In the event that fewer CUSTOMERS than at the time of booking show up to participate in the event that is booked, the price difference is not refunded.

7.9 If more people show up than the number of players who paid at the time of booking, the difference in price will have to be paid before participating in the game, within the limit of six players authorized per ROOM.

7.10 ENIGAME MLV reserves the right to refuse any reservation to a RESERVATOR who has not paid for all the services that would have been invoiced to him.

7.11 Gift vouchers: ENIGMATIC Live Escape Game gift vouchers have a unique value in euros. They correspond to the average price per person for one session.
To use a gift voucher, you must enter the voucher's unique activation code at the time of payment.
The activation code will automatically deduct the amount of the gift voucher from the total price of the game.
If you have several gift vouchers, it is possible to accumulate them at the time of payment.
If the total price of the session is only paid in gift vouchers, no refund will be made, even if the full value of the vouchers is not used.
On the contrary, if the total value of the gift vouchers is not sufficient to pay for the entire session, you will be asked to pay the balance by credit card directly online on the website.

Article 8 - Personal data

8.1 The RESERVATOR is responsible for the accuracy of the information entered on the online reservation form.

8.2 The RESERVATOR agrees to receive information and commercial offers from ENIGAME MLV at his email address or by telephone by clicking on the authorisation box on the WEBSITE.

8.3 The RESERVATOR and/or the CUSTOMER who enters their telephone details on the ENIGAME MLV WEB SITE already accept that they may be contacted by ENIGAME MLV or any other company of the group by telephone or SMS.

Article 9 - Security measures

9.1 The CUSTOMER undertakes to respect all security measures given to it, whether they are contractual, displayed on site, communicated via a screen on the premises of ENIGAME MLV or given orally by the personnel of ENIGAME MLV.

9.2 It is expressly and strictly forbidden to smoke or vaporize inside the site.

9.3 Each CUSTOMER undertakes to read and respect the safety and fire protection instructions, as well as the emergency exits. Emergency exits are located throughout the LOCAL and are clearly identified. It is strictly forbidden to block or obstruct the emergency exits, which must remain clear under all circumstances. The CUSTOMER may use the emergency exit only in the event of a situation making evacuation necessary (fire for example). Any abuse, untimely opening of these exits by a Customer, will result in the Customer being charged the costs incurred by this abuse.

9.4 The CUSTOMER is informed that it is absolutely forbidden to bring into the premises and the room objects bearing one of the following pictograms: "Explosive, Flammable, Oxidizing, Gases under pressure, corrosive, toxic, toxic irritant, carcinogenic, teratogenic, danger to the aquatic environment". Similarly, it is absolutely forbidden to touch any object bearing one of the following pictograms: "Explosive, Flammable, Oxidizing, Gases under pressure, Corrosive, Toxic, Toxic irritant, Carcinogenic, Teratogenic, Danger to the aquatic environment".

Article 10 - Photos

10.1. Photos of each CUSTOMER team may be taken before or at the end of the game. These photos
will be made available to the RESERVATOR via the public platform of ENIGAME MLV.
On the website and associated social networks). ENIGAME MLV cannot be held responsible for the use which will be made of it by the RESERVATOR.
10.2. By ticking the acceptance of the general terms and conditions of sale, the RESERVATOR authorises ENIGAME MLV its right to the image and thus to publish the group photograph on the Internet site and on all the social networks.
If THE CUSTOMER is against the taking, sending and/or publication of these photos, it is necessary to fill in a page on free paper to indicate this briefly before dating and signing it .

Article 11 - Exceptional measures COVID 19

11.1 In order to guarantee the safety of all, clients must comply with the health rules imposed by the management: - Wearing a mask will be mandatory - all health protocols deemed necessary must be accepted and respected or else access to the site will be denied.

11.2 Access to the site will only be granted once the team of players is complete.

Article 12 - Applicable law - Competent courts

12.1 These terms and conditions and any contract entered into incorporating these terms and conditions shall be governed by French law and all disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.


Déclaration générale de non-responsabilité.

Cette déclaration générale de non-responsabilité et Politique de protection de la Vie privée régit exclusivement votre utilisation de ce site Internet ENIGAME MLV. Si vous participez à des transactions commerciales avec ENIGAME MLV, vous devrez également respecter les conditions générales et le règlement intérieur de ENIGAME MLV. 

La visite sur le site Internet ENIGAME MLV est volontaire. En accédant à ce site Internet ENIGAME MLV ou en utilisant son contenu, vous acceptez automatiquement cette Déclaration générale de non-responsabilité ainsi que notre Politique de Confidentialité que vous vous engagez à respecter. Il est de ce fait important que vous lisiez et compreniez tout le texte de la Déclaration générale de non-responsabilité ainsi que notre Politique de Confidentialité. 

Conditions d'utilisation 
L'utilisation de ce site internet est à des fins exclusivement personnelles. Vous ne pouvez pas vendre, copier, publier, distribuer, transférer, modifier, afficher, reproduire et/ou créer toute 'uvre dérivée basée sur les informations ou logiciels de ce site Internet, sauf indication contraire dans ces conditions générales.
Vous ne pouvez pas non plus transférer ou copier des pages, textes, images ou contenus de ce site en utilisant le «framing » ou une technologie semblable. 
Comme condition à votre utilisation de ce site Internet, vous acceptez de ne pas utiliser ce site Internet à toute fin illégale ou interdite par cette Déclaration générale de non-responsabilité & Politique de protection de vie privée. 
Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser ce site Internet d'une façon qui pourrait endommager, désactiver, surcharger ou perturber ce site Internet ou interférer avec l'utilisation et la jouissance de ce site par toute personne. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser tout dispositif ou logiciel (comme des virus, chevaux de Troie, bombes logiques ou autre matériel insidieux ou technologiquement néfaste) destiné à endommager ou interférer avec le bon fonctionnement de ce site Internet ou destiné à intercepter toute donnée ou information de ce site Internet. 
Vous ne pouvez pas essayer d'obtenir un accès non autorisé à ce site Internet ou à d'autres comptes, ordinateurs ou réseaux connectés à ce site Internet, par piratage, extraction de mot de passe ou tout autre moyen. Vous ne pouvez pas obtenir ou tenter d'obtenir tout matériel ou information par un moyen non intentionnellement mis à disposition par ce site Internet. 

Droits d'auteur et Marques déposées.
Toutes les données présentes sur ce site Internet sont la propriété exclusive de ENIGAME MLV.
De plus, ce site Internet et tous les autres objets contenus dans ou liés à ce site Internet (y compris, notamment, le savoir-faire, la mise en page, les dessins et les logiciels), sont protégés ou peuvent être protégés par des droits d'auteur, marques déposées et/ou autres droits de propriété qui appartiennent à ENIGAME MLV ou que ENIGAME MLV a sous licence et protégés par la loi et les traités internationaux sur les droits d'auteur. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser les données de ce site Internet en rapport avec tout produit ou service qui n'est pas de ENIGAME MLV. Politique sur le contenu Le contenu et les logiciels de ce site Internet peuvent être utilisés comme source d'informations ou outil pour entrer en relation avec ENIGAME MLV. Toute autre utilisation, y compris, notamment, la copie, l'adaptation, la traduction, l'agencement, la modification, l'exploitation commerciale du contenu et des logiciels de ce site, en tout ou en partie, sous toute forme et par tout moyen, électronique, mécanique ou autre, est strictement interdite sauf avec accord écrit préalable de ENIGAME MLV. Toute violation de ce qui précède peut entraîner des poursuites civiles ou pénales. 
Si un site Internet ENIGAME MLV ou ENIGMATIC Live Escape Game, une page Facebook ou Tripadvisor permettent aux utilisateurs de soumettre et poster des commentaires , vous reconnaissez que vous êtes responsable des commentaires que vous soumettez et postez sur ce site Internet et vous, et non ENIGAME MLV, êtes totalement responsable des commentaires, y compris leur légalité, fiabilité, adéquation, origine et conformité aux droits d'auteur. 
Toute donnée contenue dans vos commentaires sur son site Internet, ses pages Facebook ou Tripadvisor seront traitées comme non confidentielles et non personnelles et peuvent être utilisées, reproduites, distribuées et divulguées par ENIGAME MLV à des fins légitimes sans restriction. 
ENIGAME MLV peut passer en revue et contrôler les commentaires qui sont soumis et postés sur son site Internet. Cependant, ENIGAME MLV n'a aucune obligation de le faire et n'endossera aucune responsabilité concernant tout commentaire soumis et posté par des utilisateurs sur le site Internet. ENIGAME MLV aura le droit (mais pas l'obligation), à sa discrétion, de refuser, déplacer ou effacer tout commentaire soumis et posté. 
ENIGAME MLV divulguera aux parties concernées, l'identité de toute personne postant des commentaires illégaux, menaçants, diffamatoires, obscènes, pornographiques, profanes ou autres commentaires offensants sur le site Internet. 
Déclaration de non-responsabilité du site Internet ENIGAME MLV a fourni et fournit des efforts raisonnables pour créer et maintenir ce site Internet. Cependant, 
ENIGAME MLV fournit ce site Internet 'tel quel'. ENIGAME MLV ne donne aucune déclaration ou garantie d'aucun type, expresse ou tacite, concernant l'utilisation du site Internet, l'exactitude, l'adéquation, la fiabilité, l'exhaustivité, les performances, la justesse, l'absence de virus ou l'opportunité des informations, contenus, matériel, produits, services ou logiciels inclus dans ou liés à ce site Internet (y compris notamment des imprécisions concernant les adresses commerciales, la disponibilité des espaces ou les prix qui peuvent figurer sur ce site Internet). Le site Internet n'est pas un outil par lequel des relations commerciales (comme des offres fermes, contrats de location, assurances) sont constituées sauf si le contraire est clairement indiqué par ENIGAME MLV. L'utilisateur est aussi conscient que le site Internet et/ou son contenu peuvent être modifiés sans préavis. Dans le cadre de ce qui est autorisé par la loi, ENIGAME MLV décline toute garantie, expresse ou tacite, concernant la qualité, l'adéquation à une fin particulière et la non-violation du contenu, des produit s ou des services contenus dans ce site Internet.
ENIGAME MLV ne sera pas tenu pour responsable en cas de dommages, de quelque nature que ce soit, entraînés par la visite ou la consultation de ce site, y compris notamment des dommages directs, indirects, spéciaux, accidentels et conséquents qu'ils soient la conséquence d'un contrat, d'une faute (y compris une négligence) ou autre. 
Le téléchargement ou autre obtention de toute information ou autre contenu en utilisant le site Internet est effectué à votre discrétion et à vos risques et vous serez le seul responsable en cas de dommage à votre ordinateur ou de perte de données causé(e) par le téléchargement de toute information ou autre contenu. 
Si des liens sont créés avec d'autres sites, par exemple par des outils de recherche, ENIGAME MLV n'est responsable ni du contenu et de l'existence de ces autres sites, ni des dommages causés par ces sites Internet. 
Quiconque utilisant ces outils de recherche est conscient qu'Internet peut contenir des contenus illicites et/ou néfastes et reconnaît que ENIGAME MLV n'a aucun contrôle sur ces informations illicites ou néfastes. 

Si une disposition de cette Déclaration générale de non-responsabilité & Politique de protection de la vie privée s'avérait être non valide, nulle ou non applicable, pour quelque raison que ce soit, cette disposition sera considérée comme remplacée par une disposition valide et applicable la plus proche possible pour refléter l'intention et l'objectif de la disposition d'origine. Si ENIGAME MLV n'agit pas concernant une violation par vous ou des tiers, ENIGAME MLV ne renonce pas pour autant au droit d'agir en cas de violations ultérieures ou semblables. 

Si vous avez des questions concernant la Déclaration générale de non-responsabilité & la Politique de protection de la vie privée de ENIGAME MLV ou si vous avez une demande à formuler concernant (l'utilisation de) vos données (y compris l'arrêt de leur utilisation), veuillez nous contacter à 

Ou par courrier à 
8 Avenue James de Rothschild

77164 Ferrières en Brie

Tout litige relatif à ce site Internet ENIGAME MLV sera régi par les lois françaises. En cas de litige, il sera fait attribution de juridiction au Tribunal du lieu du siège social de ENIGAME MLV.
ENIGAME MLV se réserve également le droit d'agir devant tout autre Tribunal compétent.

Your escape game in Marne la vallée



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Enigmatic Live Escape Game Marne la Vallée 4, avenue James De Rothschild 77164 Ferrières-en-Brie, Marne la Vallée,
+33(0)1 60 35 56 40
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